Dog bun day!!!! Making a bun is so popular for dogs! We are in a trend!! What do you think of our dog buns? hehe 😀 Please feel welcome to share your dogbun pics or your hair bun pics with us :p
今天是狗狗包包日,現在狗狗界好流行綁包包喔~我們一樣是走在潮流尖端啊! 哈哈~喜歡我們的狗包嗎? 哈哈 也歡迎你跟我們分享你的狗狗包包頭或是您的包包頭唷 ^^
Bailey: Just enough hair to make a bun!:D
貝莉:我的頭髮足夠綁包包! 😀
A-Rod: I almost have a bald head! Can I use cotton to make a wig as a bun? 😀
A-Rod: 我幾乎是禿頭耶~可以用棉花做假髮包包嗎? 😀